Saturday, November 8, 2008

Screening Agency Leaders

The transition to a new administration requires a close look at agency Senior Executives, many of whom already are flooding the transition team with endorsements from interest groups.

In addition to the usual reference checks, here are two suggestions for the transition team:

1. Ask the agency staff for input on managers’ leadership skills: (1) can they manage projects and people effectively; (2) do they support their staff; (3) are they innovative; and (4) are they fair. These few questions will expose both talents and faults rapidly.

2. Reject the conventional wisdom about how hard it is to remove poor managers. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, which created the Senior Executive Service, gave the administration the tool: after the 120 day transition period, Senior Executives can be asked to relocate geographically, with two weeks’ notice. If they refuse, they have to leave the service, and revert to a lower GS position. A select number of such actions would send a powerful message to all executives.

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