Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Modest Proposal: The Corporate Control Act of 2010

The Corporate Control Act of 2010

1. No corporation or other business entity engaged in interstate commerce shall be established, deemed, recognized, defined, or otherwise accepted as a "person" under the U.S. Constitution, Federal Law, or Federal regulations.

2. No corporation or other business entity engaged in interstate commerce may influence or appear to influence any Federal election, law or regulation, using any corporate or business personnel, fiscal or material resources. For the purposes of this paragraph, "influence" means any actions taken or any resources used to influence, either directly or indirectly.

3. Any provisions of current Federal law or regulation in conflict with, or which appear to conflict with paragraphs 1 or 2 are hereby repealed, stricken and voided.

4. Any violation of paragraph 2 shall be considered a felony. The officers and directors of any corporation or other business entity engaged in interstate commerce convicted of violating paragraph 2 shall be subject to imprisonment of a minimum of one year, and a maximum of five years. Any corporation or other business entity engaged in interstate commerce convicted of violating paragraph 2 shall be subject to fines of up to $1,000,000/day for each separate day and each separate act violating paragraph 2.

5. The provisions of this Act shall be construed broadly, so as to deter both direct and indirect violations of this Act.

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